Designed to build exam confidence
Exams that are internationally recognised

London House offers a range of Cambridge Examination preparation course options and IELTS preparation courses. They are run by our team of trained, experienced and dedicated teachers.
Our intensive programmes combine a general language course and the specific skills you will need for each examination. You will also have carefully guided homework, examination practice and regular tutorials throughout the course.
Exam Preparation
Reach your full potential
Cambridge & IELTS

IELTS Examination course
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is taken by over 1.4 million candidates each year. To study at a British university you must have a certain level of English. An IELTS examination will give you a score which universities recognise. The IELTS examination tests your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills at an academic level and requires intensive preparation and skills practice.
IELTS Examination course focus exclusively on examination preparation. These lessons are based on up to date examination course books and past IELTS papers and will train students for each examination module. The teacher will also focus on exam techniques. Each week you will be given timed past exam papers to do and you will also have the opportunity to use our computer rooms to do examination practice exercises on the internet for extra examination practice. You should expect around 1.5 hours of homework on most evenings and more at weekends.
Cambridge Examinations
Key - Preliminary - First -Advanced
Cambridge English Examinations are respected throughout the world and London House is a recognised exam preparation centre offering a wide range of exam preparation courses for all abilities. At London House you will benefit from the wisdom, experience, excellent teaching and care given by our qualified and experienced team of English Language Teachers. All Cambridge ESOL Examinations and London House Courses designed to follow The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.